When parents ask you why Latin…
An Apology for Latin and Math Many who are attracted to the idea of a classical education don’t know exactly why, nor do they understand the necessity for Latin, or at least so much of it. A little bit of...
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How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds
Research suggests that as the brain grows dependent on phone technology, the intellect weakens By Nicholas Carr Oct. 6, 2017 12:36 p.m. ET So, you bought that new iPhone. If you are like the typical owner, you’ll be pulling your...
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Of What Value Is a Dead Language?
The prestige of studying classical languages like Latin and Greek is greatly eroded today. This is no mystery; but how did we get to this point? Linguist Nicholas Ostler, in his book Ad Infinitum: A Biography of Latin, chronicles how...
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WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between your school and the Christian school down the street? Classical Christian education (CCE) follows the classical model—the one used exclusively for more than 1000 years in the West prior to the progressive model’s appearance in the...
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